Day 18 | All Men Seek for Thee

October 18, 2015 - WEEK THREE

Eustache LeSueur, Jesus Heals a Blindman, [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Mark 1:21-45
Luke 4:31-44
John 4:43-54

For Younger Disciples


  • When was the last time you experienced a miracle?
  • Does expecting a miracle evidence the presence or absence of faith?
  • How do Christ’s miracles demonstrate his love?


In addition to witnessing Christ’s divinity, each miracle … may well have been performed for one or more of the following reasons:

1. To witness that Christ had power over all things by showing his power over disease, physical imperfections, nature, evil spirits, and death.

2. To reveal the character of Jesus and demonstrate his love and compassion for all mankind by showing love and compassion for individuals faced with the daily challenges of life.

3. To motivate men to recognize and cast off their spiritual infirmities in the same manner that physical infirmities were eliminated.

4. To create teaching opportunities to present sacred gospel truths. Through miracles Christ taught proper judgment, correct use of his power, testimony of the Father, and more.

5. To give evidence, confirmation, and example to his teachings.

6. To prevent men in their ignorance or wickedness from frustrating the purposes of God….

7. To reward and strengthen the faith of individuals who believed in him and followed his teachings.

8. To set an example for his apostles and followers, as he would then command them to perform similar miracles.

9. To open the hearts of nonbelievers to receive further instructions, with the possibility of true conversion.

10. To stand as a witness against nonbelievers… (Rex C. Reeve, “The Miracles of Jesus” in Robert L. Millet, Kent P. Jackson ed., Studies in Scripture, Vol. 5: The Gospels, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1986, 215–216).


Jesus Heals a Possessed Man


Jesus Heals the Sick
A Story from The Friend


  • Would you go to all that work to have a friend healed?
  • Can our faith help to heal others?