Day 64 | Have Mercy on Us

March 7, 2015 - WEEK TEN

James Tissot, Healing of the Lepers at Capernaum, Brooklyn Museum, Purchased by public subscription.


Luke 17, 18:1-14
For Younger Disciples


  • When the apostles ask Jesus to increase their faith, what does He tell them is necessary? How does being a “profitable servant” increase faith?
  • According to Jesus, the kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21). Is this different from the entity of the Church?
  • Is there significance to the fact that the leper who returned was a Samaritan? What are you thankful for?


As I’ve read that story [of the ten Lepers] again and again, it’s made a great impression upon me. How would you like to be part of the “nine society”? Wouldn’t that be something—to be numbered among those who failed to return and acknowledge the Savior for the blessings He had given them? Only one returned.
It’s so easy in life for us to receive blessings, many of them almost uncounted, and have things happen in our lives that can help change our lives, improve our lives, and bring the Spirit into our lives. But we sometimes take them for granted. How grateful we should be for the blessings that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings into our hearts and souls. I would remind all of you that if we’re ever going to show gratitude properly to our Heavenly Father, we should do it with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—because it was He who gave us life and breath. He gave us the opportunity to live as we are, to have the gospel in our lives, to have the example of good people like President Hinckley leading the Church throughout the world today and the opportunity for the young people to look to him with pride and gratitude for a leader who looks and acts the part and demonstrates what the Spirit of Christ can bring into our heart and soul. As that gratitude is magnified and developed and expanded, it can bless our hearts and our minds and our souls to where we’d like to continue to carry on and do those things that we are asked to do (David B. Haight, “Were There Not Ten Cleansed?” Ensign, November 2002, 25).


Good Things to Come


The Ten Lepers


  • Are you surprised that only one of the ten returned to give thanks?
  • Do you thank the Lord for more than one out of every ten blessings he gives you?